
Your pelvic floor is the foor of your core. It’s important in maintaining good core strength, posture on the bike, and adequate breath mechanics.


If you’re not thinking about all parts of your core, you’re missing out on a key component and driver for your strength and endurance capabilities. We recognize there are a lot of variations of cycling and are here to help you get the right plan for cross training, intrinsic muscle strengthening and stretching needed to compliment the repetitive positions that cyclists spend so much time in.
At Indigo, we treat cyclists of all levels and all genders. Whether you are a weekend warrior, a Peloton addict, or a competitive cyclist. We consider all elements of what goes into cycling, from body efficiency to power, endurance, strength, to what drives you mentally to hop on that bike and ride.
Whether you spend hours or minutes in the saddle each week, your pelvic, back, and lower extremity muscles are important contributors to keeping you at the top of your game. Being in the saddle more regularly or for long periods of time can result in tissue compression and decreased circulation. This can contribute to nerve damage, muscle atrophy and imbalance, pain, sexual dysfunction, and misalignment.
We are passionate about helping you be your best. And we don’t want your resources to stop with us. We can help you find local resources for bike fitting, check alignment prior to a bike fitting, and provide pain relieving techniques such as postural education and manual therapy techniques to help you optimize your saddle positioning.

Common Conditions We Treat Include


Improper pressure on the genitalia during time on the saddle can cause decrease in blood flow to tissues and neural compression. This results in: changes in tissue color, thinning or atrophy of tissue, neural symptoms such as numbness, tingling or pain (sometimes even itching sensation), sexual dysfunction, and more. During pregnancy or postpartum, work with our PT’s to ride differently initially to optimize your body’s changes while you strengthen your intrinsic core muscles and gain endurance to get back to your longer, faster rides- whether outdoors or on a spin bike.
We go beyond the physical you, we can help you find access to local resources for bike fitting, equipment, and other key players for your ride. Bring your bike in so we can assess how you are moving and your posture- or get an alignment tune up of your body before you head over to the bike shop for your custom bike fitting.

Physical Therapy

Let’s get you back to doing what you love to do. Our practitioners have the highest possible certifications, offer deep experience across a range of both common and complex or rare issues, and are passionate about ongoing, personalized, and collaborative care with client’s entire care team, including medical doctors, wellness and alternative care providers.