Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is a genetic disorder that affects connective tissue.

EDS Physical therapy

The most widespread subtype of EDS causes hypermobility in the connective tissue that makes up ligaments, tendons, and skin. Currently, there is no cure for EDS; however, physical therapy is known as the key to managing EDS as well as other hypermobility disorders. This rare syndrome is highly complex and often overlooked as there is no definitive diagnosis for hypermobility-type EDS. The main symptom of EDS is widespread musculoskeletal pain; however, EDS may also contribute to systemic symptoms.

Common Symptoms We Treat Include


We treat EDS through skilled manual therapy approaches, postural reeducation, and exercise to target your individual needs. Our skilled manual therapists are up-to-date on the latest research and utilize evidence-based practice to address your goals.

Physical Therapy

Let’s get you back to doing what you love to do. Our practitioners have the highest possible certifications, offer deep experience across a range of both common and complex or rare issues, and are passionate about ongoing, personalized, and collaborative care with client’s entire care team, including medical doctors, wellness and alternative care providers.