Dr. Sam DuFlo with Jami Crist on the Losses We Keep
In this week’s blog, we are taking a spin from the usual, and presenting an interview I had the pleasure of recording with Jami Crist, author of the anthology The Losses We Keep: Our Journey of Fertility, Loss, and Never Ending Hope.
Jami is a mother, athlete, former Under Armor marketing director, unintentional influencer, connector, and community supporter, as well as a dear friend of mine. After undergoing a series of 20th week pregnancy losses, Jami scoured the internet for stories of support, networks to help her and her family process the grief, and came up largely empty handed.
Her inspiration for this anthology- eight authors together sharing their own experiences of fertility challenges, loss, and navigating the process of healthcare, motherhood, and grief- was to provide support and true stories of others.
Not only would I recommend this book to individuals navigating, or having gone through, these experiences themselves, but also their friends, caregivers, and professionals that work with people in fertility, perinatal health, and loss.
Tune in below to see this critical- and uplifting- interview with Jami.