
Pelvic health Blog

Let August Be August

Let July be July.

Let August be August.

And let yourself

just be

even in

the uncertainty.

You don’t have to fix


You don’t have to solve


And you can still

find peace

and grow

in the wild

of changing things.

– Morgan Harper Nichols

It’s that time of summer when the heat, non-stop calendar roll of family events and social outings, pool days, and suffocating humidity clash with the back-to-school lists and prep and bombardment with ads for fall holidays (already?) to make our heads spin and nervous systems feel haywire. I, myself, am culprit to the daydreaming of cooler fall days, routine, sweaters and boots, and a calmer life. 

I love this reminder from Morgan Harper Nichols, inspiring me to “let August be August.” To remain present, fret less about the nuances of backpacks and school supply lists, enjoy the remaining pool days (and try to swear less when going outside for 3 minutes leaves me with 300 mosquito bites.) The Now can be difficult to simmer in, but if we are always pedaling to the next thing, we forget to mindfully enjoy today. As a Mom, I often see the “enjoy today, they grow so fast” montage, the “present is a gift”- those cliches are difficult to relate to. But MHN speaks to me when she says, “Let August be August” as something I can grasp onto.

Sure, add a few fall items to your cart, schedule your doctors appointments, your yoga classes (and Indigo appts!) for the fall so you have a schedule and routine to gaze calmy forward to, giving you structure and less chaos, so that you can enjoy today for what it is. August.

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